News & Events

Shoulder Arthritis Types and Causes

Shoulder arthritis occurs when the cartilage in the shoulder wears out or deteriorates. Millions of people are diagnosed with arthritis each year. Arthritis in the shoulder is much less common than other types, and only accounts for a smaller percentage of all types. But there isn’t just one kind of shoulder arthritis, and not just one

Top 3 Ways to Prevent Shoulder Injury

About 20% of the population experiences shoulder pain or injury in their lifetime. While it’s a common condition and most injuries can be treated non-surgically, it’s still smart to take any steps you can to prevent it from happening when it doesn’t have to. You can’t prevent all injuries, but you can significantly reduce your

What Causes a Frozen Shoulder

A frozen shoulder is a blanket term for the condition of chronic stiffness, pain and limited movement in the shoulder, but specifically references a condition called “adhesive capsulitis”. There are a lot of medical causes of a frozen shoulder and also physical ones.

Golfing Shoulder Injuries

It’s that time of year again when the weather is getting clear, temperature is warming up and golfers are heading back out to the course. However, golfers are prone to many shoulder injuries due to the nature of the sport. 

When to See a Shoulder Specialist About Shoulder Pain

Taking care of your shoulders is important because they’re involved in nearly every move you make. But that means when you have shoulder pain, it affects everything you do. While pain that comes and goes might be a result of over-exercising or a minor strain, persistent, recurrent pain should be taken seriously.

Rotator Cuff Disorders

If you have pain in your shoulder, shoulder weakness and loss of shoulder range, you may have a rotator cuff injury.

New Website Launch

We are proud to announce the launch of our new website!