News & Events

Shoulder Labrum Tears: Diagnosis And Treatment

Almost every movement you make involves your shoulders. It is a complicated and integral joint in your body, but it can easily damaged through sports injuries and repetitive motion, especially the shoulder labrum. Let’s find out about the diagnosis and treatment of shoulder labrum tears.

5 Causes Of Shoulder Pain & When To See A Specialist

Try to simply walk, get up from a chair, hug a friend, garden, wrap a gift, work on your computer, or get into bed, and not move your shoulder. It is difficult, if not impossible, to do. The shoulder is one of our most complex joints and when it hurts, almost everything we attempt to

How Is Shoulder Arthritis Diagnosed And Treated?

Got shoulder pain? Is your shoulder stiff making it hard to move easily? It could very well be arthritis, and if you are over age 50 and were involved in an accident in the past, it probably is arthritis. Let’s learn more about shoulder arthritis and how it is diagnosed and treated.

young woman with pain in shoulder

Reducing Your Risk Of Shoulder ReInjury

What do shoulder injuries and kidney stones have in common? First, you absolutely do not want to go through either of these medical problems ever again due to the pain, and second, once you experience either kidney stones or a shoulder injury, you are more at risk to have a recurrence. If you have previously

Preparing Your Home For Post Surgery Recovery

The recovery time after surgery can be almost as important as the surgery itself. Unless you prepare ahead of time and follow your doctor’s orders, you can create situations which lead to complications, another surgery, or maybe a longer recovery time. Put some thought into preparing your home for post surgery recovery.

Common Shoulder Injuries In Football You Should Be Aware Of

We love our football whether it’s pee wee, high school, college, or professional. We love to watch it, and youngsters and adults like to play it. Unfortunately, no amount of padding and equipment can prevent injuries from occurring, especially to the shoulder. Here are some common shoulder injuries in football you should be aware of.

Shoulder Replacement For Arthritis: What You Need To Know

Almost every movement can involve your shoulder, so when something is wrong like arthritis, it can impact your daily activities. If you have tried all the medications, exercises, physical therapy, and other non-surgical treatments, and nothing has reduced your pain, it’s time to talk about shoulder replacement for arthritis.

young asian man have shoulder pain after running and exercising

Summer Shoulder Injuries: Don’t Wait To Seek Treatment

Summer is upon us once again. We are swimming, throwing balls, playing tennis, horseshoes, beach volleyball, and many other activities, all which involve our shoulders. These seasonal activities often result in an uptick of shoulder injuries, which require evaluation from Dr. Samuel Koo.

Man with shoulder pain

Shoulder Pain Causes & When To Be Concerned

If you have ever had shoulder pain, whether mild or severe, you know every time you move, it hurts. This is mostly due to the extensive range of motion and how complicated the shoulder joint is. If you are experiencing shoulder pain right now, let’s look at shoulder pain causes & when to be concerned.

A baseball in motion with pitcher in background.

Treatment For Shoulder Injuries Due To Overhead Sports

As the weather warms up, professional baseball players are back on the diamond, tennis players are competing on the courts, swimmers jump in the pool, and let’s not forget all the weekend warriors who will be giving it their all. No matter your level of expertise, those who participate in overhead sports are likely to